ENG8 aims to provide abundant, clean energy with love and compassion to our customers, bringing harmony to society and the environment we share.

We believe that universal access to abundant, affordable, pollution-free energy is a fundamental human right. ENG8 intends to be a catalyst for change ushering in a future where such energy isn’t just a luxury but a necessity, we can all afford.

With practically unlimited energy available via its EnergiCells, ENG8 plans to be an energy supplier that aims to educate its customers about their environmental and social responsibilities as well as how to maximise the benefit they will receive from using EnergiCells.

ENG8 is a seven-year-old business whose holding company is currently based in Gibraltar. It is planned that this holding company will be moved to Singapore this year. ENG8 is investing in and developing EnergiCells ranging from one watt to one megawatt in size. This is in parallel with chargers, modular generator sets and power plants that incorporate EnergiCells.

ENG8 has a team of over 30 scientists and engineers with decades of experience working on LENR/catalysed fusion technologies and power generation.

How does the EnergiCell work?

EnergiCell, our ground breaking plasma technology, efficiently releases thermal and/or electrical energy directly from the fusion of atomic nuclei, without any harmful emissions. Within the plasma there are very high concentrations of electrons known as condensed plasmoids. The large negative charge of the condensed plasmoids removes the electron shield from the ions, allowing low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to take place. This large negative charge also prevents highly energetic particles from escaping, instead releasing thermal and electrical energy.

To delve deeper into the science behind our innovation, we invite you to explore the following resources:

George Egely’s comprehensive paper Faces of LENR: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part5

The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science

The Condensed Plasmoids Research Group 

Who is George Egely?

George Egely is a distinguished research engineer with a four-decade track record in nuclear engineering and specifically in catalytic low-energy nuclear fusion (LENR). Since establishing his own company in 1993, George has spearheaded pioneering innovative solutions within the field of LENR. His collaborative efforts with various organisations have significantly advanced the research & development in green, renewable, cost-effective, and safe heat and electrical energy production.

What is the EnergiCell useful for?

The EnergiCell is a versatile energy source, capable of producing thermal and/or electrical energy to power homes, businesses, machinery and charge batteries, including those used in electric cars.

What is the size of the EnergiCell?

EnergiCells can be manufactured in various sizes, using readily available materials and components, catering to both individual and industrial needs. ENG8 has EnergiCells operating from 1 watt to 50 kilowatts.

How do you measure the input and output energy of the EnergiCell?

Depending on the type of EnergiCell being used, we use the mass flow of the working fluids and measure the temperature differential before and after the EnergiCell to determine how much energy is being imparted to the working fluid or coolant.

For EnergiCells producing electricity, we use calibrated calorimeters to accurately measure input and output energy due to high frequency and amplitude of the electricity.

What are key features of EnergiCells?
  • Peak power density of the catalysed fusion reaction is in the order of MW/cm2.
  • Estimated sustained power output for an EnergiCell range so far is from 1 watt to 50 kilowatts.
  • The power-to-weight ratio for an EnergiCell can reach up to 10 kW/kg.
  • The estimated manufacturing cost for an EnergiCell powered power pack or power generator is anticipated to be under 1,000 €/kW.
  • The estimated operating cost would be similar to a diesel generator, less the fuel cost, circa €10/MWh.
What does the EnergiCell mean for the future of energy production?

The EnergiCell signifies a decentralised, sustainable and cost-effective energy solution with the potential to revolutionise energy production for humanity. This means the EnergiCell can provide ‘standalone’ energy for a wide range of uses including: commercial premises and manufacturing facilities; large and small domestic homes; retail premises and shopping malls. As we develop the range of EnergiCell products, they will be deployed in power generation, industrial, marine, automotive and airline applications.

How long can the device run before refueling and maintenance?

The EnergiCell operational duration is primarily limited by electrode life, rather like a spark plug in an internal combustion engine in a car. All units will be regularly serviced by qualified and professional engineers. The aim is to have annual servicing and maintenance incorporated into the energy sales contract.

How safe is the EnergiCell?

The EnergiCell is very safe, as it uses water as the primary source of fuel and is emission-free. It will make a significant contribution to supporting the Net Zero targets for the world. Electromagnetic emissions measured by IEP.pt are less than 5% of those allowed in the EU.

If an EnergiCell is a nuclear device, is there any concern that it might be used for criminal or terrorist activities?

No; the EnergiCell is not a conventional nuclear device. It does not emit ionising radiation or neutrons. It does not use any radioactive fuels, only water and/or hydrogen. EnergiCells do not produce or use any radioactive materials.

How much time does ENG8 need to bring a working device to the market?

ENG8 is commencing commercial energy sales in 2026.

What will be ENG8’s commercial model for the EnergiCell?

For the first few years, the company will produce its own power plants and sell energy as the licencing model gains traction. Then manufacturers of their own products will be incentivised to incorporate EnergiCells into their own products and will be paid a commission by ENG8 as ENG8 sells energy to the products users. Customers of EnergiCell-powered products (cars, generators, etc) will be charged a very competitive rate for energy they consume.

Which company is leading the commercialisation?

Clean Planet has developed Quantum Hydrogen Energy (QHe), a clean form of energy that generates heat through hydrogen quantum diffusion. This process is induced by saturating a small amount of hydrogen on a nanomaterial made from inexpensive nickel and copper. Miura and Clean Planet are jointly developing industrial boilers powered by quantum hydrogen energy. Clean Plant’s development has progressed rapidly over the last four years:


The Clean Planet approach to LENR is different from ENG8. They use a metal matrix where hydrogen undergoes LENR within the metal nano-powders to produce excess heat. ENG8 carries out in LENR processes within a moving fluid to remove excess heat fast or produces electricity directly.


Where is the UL-USA report confirming the COP-5 electrical input/electrical output?

UL.com made a report. Due to the publicity that it was attracting and the fact they had in the fine print of their testing contract not allowed the use of their trademark, they were able to withdraw the report.

Are there any peer-reviewed publications on this?

No; because we are a commercial company and wish to keep our internal know-how as confidential as possible until mass deployment.

Why is there no UKAEA validation that catalytic fusion (LENR) is taking place?

ENG8 had an office and demonstration facility in the Innovation Centre at the National Fusion Centre at Culham, UK. ENG8 has had meetings with the UKAEA but does not work with the UKAEA. After a very successful public demonstration of a catalysed fusion Energicell with a leading independent test agency present, Culham Centre withdrew ENG’s permission to operate onsite.

Why are there so few scientists shown on the website and Investment Memorandum?

They are not shown for their own safety and security and the company’s.

What are the different types of EnergiCells presented that meet different energy requirements?

What are the different types of EnergiCells presented that meet different energy requirements?

Solid State EnergiCell

Within a sealed chamber filled with hydrogen gas, two electrodes are connected to an oscillating high-voltage power supply. This setup initiates electric discharges between the electrodes, resulting in catalysed fusion reactions that produce high peaks of voltage and current which are feedback from the EnergiCells. These energy peaks can be harnessed as electrical energy to power various devices.

Key Features:
– Input: Electric energy, minimal hydrogen (which can be produced from device’s own energy)
– Output: Electric and thermal energy
– Q factor / Coefficient of Performance (CoP): Approximately 5


Gas EnergiCell

These EnergiCells offer a versatile and efficient solution for fuel transformation. These closed-loop systems enable the conversion of Hydrogen into Helium releasing thermal and electrical energy. Inside the EnergiCell chamber, high-voltage electrodes generate the plasma required for the catalysed fusion reaction

Key Features:

– Input: Various gases
– Output: Heat and electricity
– Waste: None
– Q factor / Coefficient of Performance (CoP): Approximately 5


Water EnergiCell

The Water EnergiCell provides energy generated through the utilization of water and plasma technology. Housed within a robust steel pressure vessel, this EnergiCell employs high voltage and high current to create plasma within water. This process generates microbubbles in the water, which release an over unity of energy due to the catalysed fusion and fission reaction contained within them. The resulting steam can be used to power turbines or steam engines, while the electromagnetic fields the process may generate generated can be harvested as electrical energy.

Key Features:

– Input: Water, electric power
– Output: Heat (steam), electromagnetic radiation (if optimized for such)
– Waste: None
– Coefficient of Performance (CoP): approximately 5

What is the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)?

It is understandable that potential investors are interested in the MTBF of our technology.

Our current development phase is focused on basic research and developing robust automated prototypes that will allow us to conduct performance and reliability tests. Once we have improved prototypes, we need to conduct extensive testing to determine the reliability and MTBF of our technology.

So far, from the studies that have been carried out, we can only extrapolate that a pair of electrodes can be in use for months before they need to be replaced. A FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) will be created in parallel with product development. Such has to be maintained after the products are on the market.

What challenges can arise in product development?

Challenges are complex and multidisciplinary, requiring a concerted effort from scientists, engineers, business leaders and policymakers. Here is how we see it today (in no particular order):

Scaling Up: Demonstrating catalaysed fusion on a small, controlled scale is a significant step, and we have done that from 1 watt to 50 kilowatts (a 50,000 scaling factor), which covers over 50% of global energy demand. Scaling into the megawatts (a 10-100 times scaling factor) involves more engineering for pulse generators, heat management, material durability and efficiency.

Since we have decided to operate several EnergiCells in parallel (which should be no problem, given their size), the problem of scalability is significantly reduced.


Regulatory Approval: Any new energy technology will face scrutiny from regulatory bodies. Ensuring safety, waste management and environmental impact will be critical. Even though we know that this should be no issue for our systems, we need to prove it to the authorities and have already started this process through independent emission tests by a national accredited testing agency.

However, as we move towards a commercial product, we will take advantage of the fact that we can operate our equipment under an R&D regime until we have a fully functional product. This gives us time to prepare for the official aspects.


Material Durability: The main component of the EnergiCell power system that would have a limited lifetime is the electrodes. These represent less than 0.01% of the system cost and would be changed in a similar way to a car’s spark plug.


Control Systems: We may need precise control systems that can respond in real time to the dynamic conditions inside the EnergiCells. We believe this is easily achievable, and we are working on it to improve system efficiency


Energy Capture and Conversion: Designing systems to efficiently capture and convert the electrical energy produced by the different EnergiCells into usable electricity is a key electrical engineering task for 2025.


Public Perception: Public acceptance is critical for widespread adoption. So we need to prove that our EnergiCell systems are safe and will remain safe in the long term. We carry out independent validations with recognised health and safety agencies and publish such work.


Integration with Current Grid: The technology must be compatible with existing electrical grid systems and potentially require new infrastructure for energy distribution. However, we could use similar systems such as MPPT inverters (as used for solar).


Continuous Operation: Ensuring that the EnergiCells can operate continuously and reliably over long periods without significant downtime for maintenance or refuelling is a key part of the engineering for 2024 onwards as we transition from R&D to commercial energy sales.


Intellectual Property: With three patent families filed, ENG8 will now focus on patent prosecution in major markets whilst continuing to file patents for key new features we discover. ENG8 will deploy its own power plants until its patent field is secured worldwide in the next three years.

What is the difference between ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ fusion technologies?
  • The primary difference between “hot” and “cold” fusion companies is that cold fusion / LENR technology is functional; with operational reactors that have net energy outputs.
  • In contrast, the hot fusion companies are at least a decade or more away from developing working prototypes, that produce net energy, by which time the market is expected to feature a significant number of LENR powered devices.
  • Hot fusion focuses on utility and industrial scale power plants that supply energy to electricity grids or huge industrial operations.
  • LENR “reactors” are more like fuel cells and can be scaled to generate power, for a wide range of applications from phones to household appliances, houses, cars, offices, factories, etc.
  • Unlike ‘hot’ fusion experiments, LENR “reactors” do not produce nuclear radiation or radioactive by products. LENR “reactors” are similar to small microwave oven devices, and when used appropriately are considered safe.
  • The LENR technology is cost effective and can be compared to current capital cost for renewable energy, offering three times greater energy generation capability, making the energy cost around three times less.
What differentiates ENG8 from other “cold fusion” companies' technologies?
  • ENG8 has a range of LENR reactors, known as “EnergiCells”; the technology is currently scaled from one watt to over 50 kilowatts. This flexibility surpasses many requirements and in fact, could potentially meet 50% of the planet’s-energy requirement.
  • ENG8’s EnergiCells can directly produce electricity, heat and chemical energy in the form of HHO gas, which can substitute hydrocarbon fuels. In contrast, others LENR companies primarily produce heat.
  • The “fuel” and catalysts are low cost, readily available off-the-self materials such as water and stainless steels resulting in relatively low capital costs.
  • In terms of TRL level, ENG8 is at a similar level to Clean Planet, with a shorter route to market, particularly for commercial and industrial heat as a service.
Are governments backing the development of LENR technology with grants?

Japan, the European Union and USA are publicly supporting LENR developments.

The Japanese government has been funding the Clean Planet technology and its business for around a decade, which is  further supported by industrial giants Nissan and Toyota.


The EU has run the CleanHME Program for the last four years, which has concretely established that LENR “reactors” can produce ten times more energy than they consume.  As part of the EIC Work Programme, the EIC Transition grant scheme was introduced to bridge the gap between research and the market. This scheme supports innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in the laboratory. The CleanHME program spin-offs includes small-and medium-sized enterprise that are in the process of scaling up LENR development. They can submit proposals to the EIC accelerator call. The EIC is supporting technological innovations and their transfer to the market. All EIC projects reaching technology readiness level (TRL) 3[7] or TRL 4[8] and beyond, are eligible  to pursue further funding requests through the transition and acceleration funding schemes.



In the USA, ARPA-E granted $10 million in funding for eight projects aimed at determining whether low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) could serve as a basis for a potentially transformative carbon-free energy source. The teams selected—comprising universities, a national laboratory, and small business—aim to break the US stalemate of research in this area.


What is ENG8's connection to Biaco Limited in the UK?

Biaco Limited is a company established in early 2020 to serve as the national operating entity for commercialising the water-cooled EnergiCell® technology in the UK on behalf of the founders of ENG8. In December 2020, Dr. Robert Morgan conducted an independent validation of an EnergiCell owned by ENG8, which enabled the UK company to secure investment for its development and growth.

In January 2021, the directors and officers of Biaco Limited, appointed by the founders of ENG8, decided to ‘go it alone’ and opted not to acquire the intellectual property rights (IPR) from ENG8. Instead, they chose to continue using and developing the technology, IPR, and equipment independently. However, they have been misrepresenting the EnergiCell IPR and technology as their own.

ENG8 has taken a range of legal actions against Biaco Limited and its directors and officers. These actions include shutting down their public fundraising campaign on the Seedrs platform in 2023, which led to a high court case the same year. The matter remains ongoing.

Nevertheless, this does not prevent ENG8 from continuing to develop the water-cooled EnergiCell technology or other EnergiCell innovations.

Intellectual property law in the UK operates on the same fundamental principle as other forms of property: if someone unlawfully takes your home or car, even if they make repairs or upgrades, it remains the property of the original owner. Similarly, ENG8 is committed to regaining full title to its intellectual property rights (IPR), which are currently in the possession of Biaco Limited.

What is ENG8's response to negative comments about your technology on social media?

ENG8 is aware of the negative posts and comments circulating on social media and other channels regarding our technology and developments.

While we respect diverse, constructive comments and opinions that contribute to advancing science and technology in this area, our focus remains on our core mission: delivering clean, abundant and affordable energy to humanity through innovation, breaking new ground with our EnergiCell Technology.

Naturally, this innovation challenges traditional thinking. Transformation often meets resistance from those who cannot yet envision what’s possible, much like early skeptics of other groundbreaking discoveries. Disruption invites differing perspectives, but we encourage genuine, informed, and interested parties to assess our business and technology based on our tangible achievements, strategy, and long-term vision—rather than external noise or unsubstantiated opinions.

We look forward to continuing this journey, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, with those who share our vision for a sustainable and innovative future.

Why does UL Solutions state they did not perform any testing or certification of the ENG8 EnergiCell?

In 2023, ENG8 contracted with UL Solutions to perform two independent validations of our EnergiCell technology, which were conducted concurrently with other independents. We inadvertently overlooked the clause in the UL Solutions contract that restricted the use of their trademarks, names and reports for promotional purposes.

Following legal discussions from both parties, ENG8 complied with UL Solutions request to withdraw the reports. According to the terms of our agreement, UL Solutions retained the right to withdraw these reports. As a result, UL Solutions can state that they ”…did not perform any testing or certification of the ENG8 EnergiCell.”

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