
Hear from a few of our investors


Hear from a few of our investors

“this startup is in a leading position in the race to market”

I am a physicist holding a master’s degree from the University of Hamburg. I worked in the IT and electronics industry throughout most of my career. From 2006 I became aware of the interesting research results in the field of LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions). This has triggered me to intensely study this field and to work out a theory of the reaction mechanism. I am the founder of a group of eight LENR researchers with the aim to commercialize this technology.

When I saw the demonstration video of the ENG8 air-based reactor it became immediately clear to me that this startup is in a leading position in the race to market. From a theoretical standpoint and from my experimental experience it is clear to me that the reactors of ENG8 are well-designed on basis of the best-known principals for building a scalable and reliable LENR apparatus.

This convinced me and my colleagues to invest a portion of our money into ENG8. Our group will support ENG8 with know-how and purpose-built power electronics. We are convinced that this cooperation will be of mutual benefit.

My personal experience with the ENG8 team is very good. Our meetings so far have been productive, friendly and cooperative. Predictably the team of ENG8 has the business skill, professionalism and a diversity of expertise to become a major force in this emerging large market.

Lutz Jaitner, CP Research Group, www.condensed-plasmoids.com


“revolutionary for the energy sector”

Having a personal concern for the environment and what state it is going to be in for future generations, I am very keen on trying to do my upmost to be as green as possible. As an individual I do as much as possible, but as an investor in ENG8, I feel part of a collective that can have a much, much larger impact than the individuals alone.

The Energicell that ENG8 is working on is going to be revolutionary for the energy sector. It could contribute to a significant decline in the other parts of the energy sector that are producing CO2 emissions. Having been an investor for some time now, it has been interesting to see the progress that the team at ENG8 have made – and even more appealing to see the company growing.

Valeria and the team have worked tirelessly to not only research and continually develop the Energicell, but also to create a viable platform and infrastructure in which to produce and market the Energicell. The team provide regular updates and are always available to answer any queries or respond to emails. Their passion, enthusiasm and knowledge is apparent through all aspects of their work and communication.

The Energicell is a very exciting product; and the future for ENG8 is looking extremely bright. As an investor, I am delighted to be a part of it.

J Bates, Finance Director

“evidence of measured power inputs and outputs, which clearly show that energy is being produced”

I am a Chartered Engineer, and I worked in the nuclear fission power industry for the first half of my career.

I have always been aware and interested in the prospect of nuclear fusion, but it has always seemed to be a long way off. I was deeply sceptical about low energy fusion, and high temperature fusion seemed to be a distant prospect.

When 350ppm first suggested ENG8 to me as an investment prospect, I nearly dismissed it out of hand, but something made me take a closer look. While the physics of what is actually happening in the plasma is debateable, there is the evidence of measured power inputs and outputs, which clearly show that energy is being produced along with spectrometric measurements of new elements being created in the reaction, which show this a nuclear phenomenon. I figure that mankind used fire for about ten thousand years without knowing what the reactions were that released the energy, so while it will be good to work out what is going on in the plasma, it needn’t stop us making use of the phenomenon.

As for the team – very interesting! This is not a typical hierarchical corporation. It seems to operate more as a community of shared interest. That’s not to say that there is not a strong idea of direction, but it seems to be more organic than strictly ordained. This has suited the problem-solving priority of the early start up. The structure, of necessity, seems to be becoming more ordered as probably befits what should soon be a £1bn company.

The ethics also are interesting. This is a technology that will dramatically change the energy systems of the world, which should be to the benefit of the many and not the gross enrichment of the few. The team seem to be well in tune with this, though recognising equally that risk-taking deserves reward.

And of course, this technology is an incredibly powerful solution to the carbon problem and the climate crisis.

All in all, this seems to me to be a great investment in the human future on this planet.

Peter Cannell, MA (cantab), C.Eng, MIMechE, MIET

“I believe ENG8 has the potential to truly disrupt the energy sector, providing clean, emission-free energy…”

In 2022 I retired as the CIO of a large international organisation. Since then, I have been supporting several different high-tech startups, investing a combination of money and/or time in order to help them succeed.
The companies I choose to invest in have several things in common. First, they have an interesting technology, demonstrating significant potential to provide financial return. Second, the technology has the potential to provide benefit to people and our planet. Finally, and most importantly, they are led by, and employ, the right people to succeed. The team needs to have vision, a strategy for success, and they need to have a degree of humility that allows them to understand when they need to pivot and when they need to reach out for help and not think they can do it all themselves.

As part of my undergraduate engineering degree, I studied nuclear physics and nuclear engineering and have always been interested in safe use of nuclear technology and what it can bring to the world. I have been particularly interested in nuclear fusion due to its potential to provide a near limitless, safe and clean source of energy. I was aware that, since the reported observations of LENR by Pons and Fleishman, there existed an undercurrent of physicists that continued to study LENR phenomena with some, albeit inconsistent, success in reproducing the observed effects. While I believe we still have work to do to understand in detail the physics of the reactions that are being observed, the evidence is strong (and validated by third parties) that in the ENG8 reactors new, heavier elements are being created and that there is a net release of significant energy.

When I became involved as an investor, the ENG8 team had a strong focus on the science and engineering, with the founders providing the vision and evangelising the technology and the company. Since then, they have begun to mature the organisation, bringing in the needed skills to transform the company from its earlier scientific research focus into a commercial company able to deliver products and services to customers. They are moving along the right trajectory and are building the right team to harness the opportunity their technology represents without sacrificing the enthusiasm and agility they need to innovate.
I believe ENG8 has the potential to truly disrupt the energy sector, providing clean, emission-free energy, in a modular way, to the many not only the few.

Dr Peter J Lenk, FIET

“They appear to be ahead of the marketplace…”

In the past three years I have been looking to invest in small to medium size companies who are looking to grow and who offer products that are eco-friendly.

ENG8 fit perfectly into this category – producing energy from components such as air and water. My dealings with them have been very friendly and helpful. There is clear information on products, research and development and future plans. They are highly technical but converse with easy-to-understand messages. They appear to be ahead of the marketplace and are attracting large investments from the far east. And they take their investors very seriously and keep us up-to-date on all issues.

John Inston, Small to medium investor

“Energicells have the capability to make a considerable contribution to the fight against climate change.”

350 PPM Ltd, the environmental incubator and accelerator, dedicated to reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 Parts per Million (350 PPM) started investigating ENG8 and their technology in early 2022. Necessity being the mother of invention lead us to review other previous technologies, which surpassed existing proven science. Electricity or as it was nicknamed by the popular press on launch; “Elastictrickery”, was one such previous invention.

Our trip to Portugal in February along with the work of other companies, looking to innovate and launch similar projects, led to our full belief that the technology works, and since then we have been incubating, accelerating and assisting in venture building ENG8 and their various constructions of Energicells.

We have worked with Valeria and her team ever since and believe that the Energicells have the capability to make a considerable contribution to the fight against climate change.

Nick Dimmock, 350PPM Director

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