The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS) in collaboration with the Société Française de la Science Nucléaire dans la Matière Condensée (SFSNMC) hosted the 16th International Workshop of Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals (IWAHLM-16) beginning Sunday evening September 1st through Wednesday September 4th, 2024 in Strasbourg, France and online.

At the conference Alan Smith the CEO of the ISCMNS said: “If I were to bet on which LENR companies would be the first to market, ENG8 would be in the top two with Clean Planet.”

Three members of the ENG8 team attended The 16th International Workshop of Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals (IWAHLM-16) Conference, organised by the CleanHME European Project, where they presented two papers.


Lutz Jaitner a professional physicist and long-term LENR researcher who leads an LENR research team in Germany delivered a comprehensive presentation on condensed plasmoid theory.

The Physics of Condensed Plasmoids (CPs) are at the heart of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR)

Condensed plasmoids are a natural phenomenon observable in lightning bolts and ball lightening, where immense quantities of electrons accumulate. They can be generated using high voltage power supplies. Such plasmoids enable the occurrence of LENR.

This year Lutz Jaitner and his team invested in ENG8, recognising the advanced state of the EnergiCell technology and its practical applications.